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Kahat Kabir


Swach Bharat

Swami Vivekanand Youth Front Activities


Foot Wear Distribution

Swami Vivekanand Youth Front Activities


Blood Donation

Swami Vivekanand Youth Front Activities

About Swami Vivekanand

Swami Vivekananda is a youth icon of India who believed in our youth power and inspired Indian youth to improve themselves and the country as a whole. His name is associated with spirituality, modernity and humanity and it is widely accepted that his life and work would continue to enthuse generations of youth in our country.

About SVYF

Swami Vivekanand Youth Front (Since 2010 | Regd. 100022) is a Social Organisation constituted for empowerment & involvement of youth for the social betterment of the society.At the helm of this youth front are the two pillars of the organisation viz. Mr. Vikas Sharma and Mr. Kapil Jain


The activities of SVYF are focussed on various social and environmental issues SVYF focuses on developing moral values in youth. As due to modernization today’s youth are not aware of the traditional values of our rich culture.

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